
Monday, October 10, 2011

Sophia Bush

First of all... I'm so sorry (again). It took longer then I expected...But better late than never...

Sophia Bush...
Who is she? What does she? Where is she from? Why do I love her so much?
You'll find out if you read along with me.

I actually did some research this time... so I hope you all appreciate it.

Sophia Anne Bush. Born on July 8th, 1982, Pasadena, California.
She's mostly known for her appearance as Brooke Penelope Davis in One Tree Hill.

“The purest thing in the world is a child's happiness, and to work with an organization that gives that back to children who have lost it means more than words can say.”
- S

I just love the way she's with children. I truly believe she's just like Brooke in the last couple of seasons in One Tree Hill. She's kind, funny, lovable, ...

“Africa is one of the most incredible continents in the world, and one that I have studied since I was a child. The thought of my children not knowing Africa as it is, but having to hear about it as it once was, is not a thought I can bear. The MWCF is preserving not only a region, but a culture, a way of life, and an ecosystem that we cannot afford to lose.”
- S

Also animals are important to her. She recently bought another dog. She went to look for Patch at the animal pound. So sweet.
She's also against bullying animals. (Now what good person isn't?) But you can read about 'case Lennox' here. He's on death row (speaking figurative). It seems they going to put him down on the 21th if nothing happens.

Something different maybe...
Sophia won the 'DoSomething'-award... Just guessing that alle the good stuff she does actually gets rewarded. You can watch her reaction when you click the link. She had some tough competition but it seem her fans, her 'little voices' are as strong and numerous as Sophia herself.

She's also a missive support for gay, lesbian and bisexual people... If it wasn't for her, my best friend Mia would've never come out of the closet. Mia's mother and some of  her family members would still be in the dark about who she really is. Mia is her so greatfull. And personally I thing Sophia couldn't do a better job. She's truly amazing how she's taking up for all of us, straight-laced or not.

And then you have.... "#Love is Louder" and "to write love on her arms".
Those two organisations are the most special to me.
You've probably already seen the tab 'Love is Louder' on this blog, so that means I'm already part of that. I'm not going to say much about both of these, because, even though I'm good with words, my words wouldn't tell you enough about how great they are and how important they are. Even how much they mean to me... putting that in words... Not even the bare basics would be acknowledged.
So I'm just going to show you.

This is the site of #Love is Louder:
And here are the video's you should watch:
(they only take a minute or so.)

This is the site of 'To Write Love On Her Arms':
And if ther's only one video you really realy REALLY have to watch... it's this one:
 (yes, it's a bit to wide...but I don't know much about html, so I can't change it...)

Sophia Bush on WhoSay

So all together... she's my number one favourite star (she shares that first place with Alecia Moore, better known as P!nk, and Sarah Bettens, lead singer of K's Choice).
They're on that first place just for being who they are and the message they send to the people.


To finish up I'd like to thank Mia, a lot, for her help with this blog entry. This entry wouldn't be what it is, if it wasn't for her.

So... olive you guys!
And leave a message with your opinion!!!!!


  1. Nice work Ellie ;) how's your drawnings doing lately? Would like to see more of it :)
    Keep up the good work Ellie :)

  2. @ Dian: Thx D. :) a new picture went online tonight :) xx
