
Monday, October 29, 2012

What makes you perfect

Hello again,

It's been a while, for a change.
But we have over 10 000 hits. 10 200 something to be more precise.
And to celebrate I've got a special topic.

"Nobody is perfect. Neither am I"

What makes one perfect? Being beautiful? Being smart? Being strong? Being fast? Being all of that? Does that makes you perfect?

Honestly... I don't think so.
Being perfect to me implies being trustworthy, but also to trust the ones that care for you, to be nice, honest, loyal and respectful to other people, to have yourself in check, but also being able to admit when it's over your head. Never give up, and accept help when it's needed.

I guess it's in the little things.

Maybe you guys can tell me wether I'm forgetting thing.
Seems to happen a lot lately... the forgetting part.
The doctor says it's because I'm over-stressed... yay.

Anyways... for those who have fall break this week (not me, I'm at my internship)... have fun!


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