
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Yo Ho! A student's life for me

"The time you spend being a college student is the best time of your life."

At last that's what all grown ups say.
No, I don't consider myself being a grown up.
Not really. Not yet.

I'm a student.
I don't get drunk all the time, but I like to go to a party once in a while.
I live for my friends and music.
(Currently playing)
I blend in quite well I guess.
I don't stick out that much I guess.
Occasinally I'm the one sitting in the reading area of the school library.
Music plugged in, reading an actual book, not a magazine or comics.
Okay, maybe I'm quite a bit geeky rather than an average college student sometimes...

About a month ago I gratuated. Major: Psychology.
Things I planned to do/have after I got my diploma:
- Get a student job for a couple of weeks
- Maybe travel a bit
- Be in a steady relationship
- Start looking for an actual job
Things that actually happened:
- Went back to school and opted for a second major: Human Resources Management.

I'm one of the 224.947 students who registered this year.
I guess my subconscious missed the crappy classrooms, lousy communication and the horrible organising skills of college already after barely a week even though the first college education was quite hard on me. To top the already busy schedule off I registered for an extra French class and I got back to horseback riding.

Life versus me: 1-0.
I must be plain crazy...
I've got my psychology degree.. should be able to tell if I am...
 Scared to face the real world or strong enough to face the nightmare again?

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