
Monday, September 24, 2012

second chances and trust issues

Hi guys.

I know I promised I'd shut up about this topic... but it's just really hard.
But on the other side, this one isn't about Jamie. This time around it's for a friend.
One of my very best friends is in trouble. He's not telling me why, but I can just imagine why it would be...

The fray sings 'never  say never', Stellar Kart is a band of 'second chances'.

No-one hurts you more that the one you love.
And then you have to make the discision.
Ending it or giving a second chance.

If Jamie would be asking a second chance, I really wouldn't know what to say.
I'd really want to say yes, but would I be able to trust him again?
Would I be able to believe what he says?

I can't tell you the answer.
I guess it depends on what happens.

Maybe you guys can give me your answer...

To Sky.
Just remember you're not alone.