
Thursday, April 20, 2017

She took the midnight train goin' anywhere

Hi  Kay,

- I'm just going to call you Kay. Seeing you're an Englishman, it seems quite unlikely, but it has a nice ring to it, so... Kay. -

I'm the complete stranger with the red trench coat on an otherwise pretty empty underground train, onn  ,,, j Friday night. I guess we were heading towards Earl's Court, or maybe Westminster. Don't blame me for not knowing. You kind of left a bigger impression then the train I was on.

I almost ended up on your lap when said underground train left the station. 
Sitting next to you seemed a smarter move. Still second choice, though.

The moment I saw you packing up you're music, I asked if you minded taking a picture with me.
You didn't.
So I got my picture, and my friends laughed their arses off afterwards.
Not because of the picture.
Because I was crazy enough to ask for a picture, but stupid enough not to ask for your number.
Or your name for that matter.
Then I laughed at my stupidity too.
And now you're stuck in my head.
You're the guy that got away.

I hope you had a good night.

Until we meet again, Kay.