
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hot 'n cold

"Cause you're hot, then you're cold..."

Katy Perry says a lot with those few words.

Sometimes you're hot, in every possible way.
Hot as in hot. No Explanation necessary I believe.
And then hot as in warm, sweet, funny, caring, ...

Then comes cold.
Short answers, no answers, keeping me out, as if I'm a burden you have to get rid of.

And you switch all the time. One day it's hot, the day after you might act cold as ice.
I never know what to expect anymore.

Sometimes I believe you think you bear the weight of the world on your shoulders,
nothing's going right...

What did I do wrong?
All I want to do is take some of that weight off of you, maybe even all of it, just to see you happy.
But you never let me, always shutting me out when it get's serious.

I don't know how to get through to you.
But I promise you, whether you want it or not, whether you believe it or not...
I'm not going to let you fall.
Never going to let you fall.

Maybe it's time for me to fight.
For real this time.

Approximately calculation is shows off 2 320 644 660 people are single in our world.
We're not going to be one of them for the rest of our lives.