
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

newfound soulmate

hola amigos,

Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got untill it's gone?
I really don't want to let it get far, not this time

Wade and I were chatting last night, and there were some things cleared out. Not that there was anything wrong. Somehow I just had this feeling I missed a piece af the picture of him in my head.
And now it actually makes sense.
I believe I finally found someone at school I can really talk to, about everything, all the way, without holding back.
I think I found a possible new soulmate in him.

F.Y.I. Wade is the guy I talked about in my last blog, remember?

Wade, I dare you... to take a chance with me and try out for that open job position as soulmate, maybe one day I'll end up as yours as well. You'll never know, if you never try, do you?

Olive you guys!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

movie-night, new guys and music

Hya people,

It's been quite hectic lately. Last night for example I had a movie-night I organised with two of my fellow students. It's was guite a succes. But I was jaded by the tension afterwards. The movie-night was arranged to benefit the project my class is working on. (You know, the boycotted one I talked about last time.) It's still one big mess, 'cause apparently the woman that gave the assignment decided to take a week of.

Other subject, I'm going crazy by the whole situation.
So there's this awesome new guy in my class, Wade. (If you're reading this: no, I'm not kiddig: I'm really happy to know you.) And thanks to him I re-discovered "nine crimes". It's one of the songs I love so much, by Damian Rice. You probably all know it, but I'm still putting a link down here.

You all know it, or you don't, but I write a lot of poetry. And yesterday Wade told me I could totally use them as song lyrics. That was quite something new to me. I don't think anyone gave me such a great compliment about my work, ever. So, Wade, if it ever come to that point, and I really write one that's actually long enough to become a song, you will be the first one to know.

Maybe for the rest of you, if it's easyer to understand what I'm talking about, here is one of the poƫms.

fade in, space out

fading in
spacing out
no limmits in time and space
all sounds of reality
are fading away
All I can think of.
Crash scenario's in my mind.

It's never gonna happen.
You and me.

Olive you all, and see you next time.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

assignments and boycotting

Hya people,

I'm in quite a bad mood tonight.
"Why?" you ask? In one of my classes there's this project we have. Our assignment: 'make an aducational and fun something about diabetes for kids with diabetes". That's all we had. And now almost all our day was planned and organised, the one that gave the asignment is saying "You can't do the cooking workshop, you can't use the kitchen, you should do this, you can't do that."

Something else just like that: we need to fund the whole thing ourselves, so we organised a movie-night. We booked a space at school, but yesterday I found out the directory of my college gave the space to someone else, after we had already booked it. It's one big conspiracy against us!!! I'd say we boycot them back, but that would be the only victims of our actions.

I'm getting sick of it all.
I'm tired, I had to work after school tonight and tomorrow it's the same before school.

I'm going to finish up here.
Olive you, guys.