
Monday, October 29, 2012

What makes you perfect

Hello again,

It's been a while, for a change.
But we have over 10 000 hits. 10 200 something to be more precise.
And to celebrate I've got a special topic.

"Nobody is perfect. Neither am I"

What makes one perfect? Being beautiful? Being smart? Being strong? Being fast? Being all of that? Does that makes you perfect?

Honestly... I don't think so.
Being perfect to me implies being trustworthy, but also to trust the ones that care for you, to be nice, honest, loyal and respectful to other people, to have yourself in check, but also being able to admit when it's over your head. Never give up, and accept help when it's needed.

I guess it's in the little things.

Maybe you guys can tell me wether I'm forgetting thing.
Seems to happen a lot lately... the forgetting part.
The doctor says it's because I'm over-stressed... yay.

Anyways... for those who have fall break this week (not me, I'm at my internship)... have fun!


Monday, September 24, 2012

second chances and trust issues

Hi guys.

I know I promised I'd shut up about this topic... but it's just really hard.
But on the other side, this one isn't about Jamie. This time around it's for a friend.
One of my very best friends is in trouble. He's not telling me why, but I can just imagine why it would be...

The fray sings 'never  say never', Stellar Kart is a band of 'second chances'.

No-one hurts you more that the one you love.
And then you have to make the discision.
Ending it or giving a second chance.

If Jamie would be asking a second chance, I really wouldn't know what to say.
I'd really want to say yes, but would I be able to trust him again?
Would I be able to believe what he says?

I can't tell you the answer.
I guess it depends on what happens.

Maybe you guys can give me your answer...

To Sky.
Just remember you're not alone.

Friday, June 29, 2012

wrath of a bullying victim

Hey peeps,

heavy subject today.
Yes, I believe the tide has turned.
Maybe not... but at least I'm going to try to keep my mouth shut about the 'heartbroken bullshit'.

So today: bullying.

The last few day the media-air has been buzzing with that topic.
Why? Someone got bullied. Her bullies filmed the whole charade and the video ended up on facebook.

The girl who did the bullying got suspended from school.
But that's not all. What started as a "stop bullying"-campaign is now a total hate-campaign against the 'convict'.

Someone I know made the analogy with KONY, and how it probably won't have much effect on the actual bullying in the future.

I thing he has a point. How are we going to help the victims with online hate-campaigns?
I'm not picking the bully's side, but when we react like that, with hate, than what makes us any better than that bully we try so hard to undermine?

I believe that if we really want to do something about it, we should act for real, stand up for those who can't. Just saying we hate the bully isn't going to do any good. If it means anything i think it's only making things worse...

If I was a bully and the one I harassed did something like that, starting a national hatred against me, I'd be furious and I'd want to make them pay. Not that I am a bully, not even close!

So that's my point of view. What's yours?


Friday, June 15, 2012

am I that bad?

Is it so wrong to want  a happily ever after?
Is it wrong to trust people so easily that they're able to break your heart as soon as they even think about it?
Is it wrong to love someone even if they crushed your heart.
Am I that bad that people tend to tell me I'm more than enough for them but then stab me in the back and leave me for someone else?
Is it that bad to want something like the couples in the movies?
It's not like their stories are all fake... are they?
True love, trust, loyaly, honesty.... I don't belieeve it's all fantasy.
But I have to admit... it gets awfully hard to keep believing that there actually exist people with the same values I have and actually like me.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Advice needed

Hey guys,

I think I'm a bit lost.
Remember Jamie?
The boy I got all nervous and happy about.
We were a couple for exactly six months.
And now it seem I just can't get him out of my system.
My mom told me to look for someone else, one of my best friends told me just to forget about him.

Easyer said than done...

Anyone with a better idea?

Btw... sorry for the depressed mood lately....
If it's bothering you please tell me.

Love you all

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Way too long

hya peeps,

I know it's been a while, but my internship takes most of my time now.
53 days gone, 11 to go. Most of that time I'm filling with scientific research. It's pretty interesting, but really hard when you haven't done anything like that in like... ever.

By the way... it's raining. Again.I actually don't mind it raining... I like walking in the rain. It clears your head when your thinking about doing stupid stuff like... I don't know... stupid stuff.
But a little bit of sunshine should be nice to get a bit of a tan while studying.

Maybe I should get the positive things drained out by the rain in stead... When I thinking positive lately it's making me fantasise about stuff that could never happen, at least not again... and that's keeping me down lately. I even started to doubt myself and my capacities....

Anyone who's got any ideas to get myself up again?

oh... almost forgot to tell you... I'm going to try to get a new piece on the story sometime soon!

you now what... forget about what I said...
I'm not going to be all depressed...
I've got to BE POSITIVE
Yes I'll still be crying once in a while, that's normal!!!
But I'm not going to let him bring me down.
I just need to get on with my life.
At least then he'll see what he's lost.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

not myself lately

Sorry guys... haven't been myself for a couple of weeks.
Not sure I am back on track either.
Getting tired of acting like nothing is wrong.
The good thing is... people actually seem to believe my act.

some of my own writing...


Warrior princess going down

Where did I go wrong
“cause faith has turned her back on me
I’m a soldier
in a war I cannot win
mind and heart, my enemies

The shot’s still ringing in my ears
when the bullet turns around

Pieces of me
shattered across  the concrete
joining the army of lost souls

Please give me the strength
to carry on
‘cause I’m still losing this war

Jay D.


See you all later.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Men who hate women

hey guys, hi girls...

this one's about violence. Domestic violence more particular.
Some men think they just can  beat their wives or girlsfriends up, molest them, rape them without concequences. And most of them actually get away with it.

I personally think that sucks...
And Stieg Larsson agrees with me. He's the one that got me thinking on the subject...
I went to the movies last night with some of my friends an we watched "the girl with the dragon tattoo". Which was originally the first book of the Millenium-trilogy of Mr. Larsson.
(Amazing movie by the way, it even got me started on the books.)

In Sweden 18 pecent of the women have been treathened by men, and only 5 percent of all abuses gets to the police. FIVE PERCENT people. That's practically nothing.
In Belgium 20 percent of the women is abused physically, sexually or psychologically.

In the movie "enough' (the one with Jennifer Lopez) it's the same thing. She's been beaten up by her husband, but he's rich and he's powerful. She goes to the police and asks what would happen if she'd pressed charges. He'd go to jail. He'd pay his way out. He'd take revenge on her.
In the end, she's going to be the only one suffering.

Point taken?

I'm not going to go down on the other numbers, but I think it should already be clear that it's just not right. And maybe I can't do anything about it on my own, but if all of us just spread the word and do something about it in our own way, like not beating up your girls yourself (for the boys) and stand up for yourself (for the girls) and maybe we can make it just a little bit better.

If you want to change the world, then start with the people. If you want to change other people, then first change yourself.

I want to be a voice, not an echo... And this is my voice.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


I know it's been a great while - shame on me... - but it happens to be the time of the year again.
For us students to know... Yes THE time of the year.
It's the time where you have to study your brains out and can't even enjoy the hollidays to the fullest.
For those who still didn't got the hint... EXAMS! yippie (-cough-)

For me there's already a week gone (plus three weeks of non stop studying - read 'getting crazy by seeing nobody and nothing but my books and the four walls of my room')
Luckily I have that load of smoothies and chocolate every so often. Thank you mommy dear.
And music. There are days that music is playing four hours a day (almost at least) and then there are days with earplugs... deafening silence. Truly weird.

But I was going to keep it short. Some more studying to do. Tomorrow morning exam number 5. Right in the middel... after that one another five to go.
Anyway... I promise to make my come-back in a little less then two week so stay tuned

Olive you peeps!