
Friday, November 12, 2010

#Love Is Louder

Tonight is going to be special…
Thanks to Mia, one of my bff’s, I got in touch with something great. An awesome campaign called ‘Love Is Louder’.  Tonight, a big part of this blog is going to be about ‘Love Is Louder’ and what the whole thing means to me.

‘Love Is Louder’ is a movement that is apparently started by Brittany Snow, an actress well kn own for playing in ‘John Tucker Must Die’ and ‘Hairspray’.
Maybe some of you have heard about the multiple suicide thing.
In September a lot of young people, our age, have committed suicide because of an increased bullying of non-straight people. Because of that Brittany started out with LIL.

I myself think it’s sick to bully people because of who they love. I know several gay, lesbian and bisexual people, and some of them are a lot nicer and cooler than a ton of other I know.
Something to think about for all the straight people who read this: how would you feel when gay was ‘normal’ and being straight wasn’t, and you’re being shut out. Just like gay people are shot out right now. Not that there really is a ‘normal’. Who decides what is ‘normal’ actually??? 

For example: I really like to walk in the rain as long as it not to cold. People say I’m not normal either. But for the rest they leave me live my life like I want to. My point is that I think no kind of people is better than the other kind. We’re all the same, but sometime we have other beliefs or we love another kind of people than most other of our sex. Still that’s no reason to exclude anyone, or treat them differently.

‘Love Is Louder’ than hate, Love Is Louder than music, coming from me that means a lot, but most of all… ‘Love Is Louder’ than anything.
Love is the most important thing in the wide world.
You just have to find the right person to share yours with.
But love is also the part where you take the others for what they are, and accept them.

I’ve got a request to all of you. You’ve seen the picture of Britanny an myself, now I’d like you to make a photo or a drawing with the ‘#love is louder sign’. If you take a picture: it’s not obligated to write it on your hand!  Just like you see on my (miserable) picture you can write it on your arm, fingers, chest or whatever. As long as you show you’re in.
And mail me the picture to

No, that’s not my personal e-mail address. It’s just for these pictures.
Yes, the pictures will be put online. No, I won’t keep your e-mail address unless you want me to. And if you want me to put a name with the picture add it to your mail.

This was a blog dedicated to ‘Love Is Louder’, and a little bit tot you too Mia. I hope you’re glad.
And to all of you. I hope you’ve got anything out of it. If you want to check the whole story of ‘Love Is Louder’ the site is the next one.

Olive you guys.


  1. be who you want to be, nobody's perfect (what's perfect by the way?) judging about people who aren't straight is just wasting precious time of your life!!
    picture is coming... first a few hours school :s
